lunes, 13 de abril de 2020


Which are the complementary colours? 
     The two colours on opposite sides of the colour wheel.

    The complementary colour of a primary colour (magenta, cyan, and yellow) is the colour you get by mixing the other two (magenta + cyan = purple; cyan + yellow = green; magenta + yellow = red). So the complementary colour for magenta is green, for cyan it's red, and for yellow it's purple.     

Why is it imortant to know the complementay colours? 
    Two complementary colours are those which offer together best possibilities of contrast, and they neutralize each other.

 What happens if we mix two complementary colours? 
     The colour will be greyish. That was one of the main discovery made by the impressionist painters: Grey and dark tones are produced by mixing complementary colours. In pure Impressionism the use of black paint was avoided.
     They also knew that when placed next to each other, complementary colours make each other appear brighter, more intense. The shadow of an object will also contain its complementary colour, for example the shadow of a green apple will contain some red. 

The Impresionist artists like Manet and Van Gogh used the combination of complementary colors in many paintings, like you can see in the following paintings: 

Do you want to make an experiment? Look for at least 30 seconds at something red, like a T-shirt or a piece of cloth. Focus on the red color, and after 30 seconds look at something white like a wall, the cealing or a sheet of paper. You will see small dots of green, don’t you? 

Yes, our eyes are tired after so much time looking at red so that our brain makes the color green. That’s why the surgeons' gowns and operating room sheets are green, so the doctor's eyes can rest while operating. I remind you that our blood is intense red. It happens the same with the other complementary pairs of colors.


1. Answer these questions after reading again the information about the complementary colors:

- Where are located the complementary colors in the color wheel?
- Write the three pairs of complementary colors.
- True or false: the complementary colors offer the greatest contrast.
- What happens when we place together two complementary colors?

2. Escoge una forma que te guste, puede ser la silueta de tu móvil, un logotipo, la primera letra de tu nombre.... eres libre de escoger lo que más te guste. Divide una hoja de tu block de dibujo en seis partes,  y calca esa forma que has elegido en cada uno de los seis cuadrados de tu hoja del block. 

En cada una de las tres columnas formadas por dos cuadrados que se te han generado, vas a pintar con parejas de complementarios. Puedes empezar por la pareja de azul y naranja. En el primer cuadro de la primera columna, dibuja la forma con tonos de azul y el fondo con tonos de naranja , y en el cuadro de abajo hazlo al contrario: la figura con tonos de naranjas  y el fondo de varios tonos de azul. Usa los materiales que quieras y no te conformes con un solo tono de cada color: usa al menos tres tonos de cada color. 

Una vez que lo hayas realizado por favor, hazle una buena foto y envíamela a mi correo: 

Aquí tienes un buen ejemplo de la tarea: 

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